My little guy is off for the day with his auntie, so me and Mr Twinklyspangle have some time together. We have spent it cleaning out a large cupboard in our bedroom - I'm going to use it as my studio, I'm so excited! I can stand up in it but there is plenty of room for a large desk and lots of storage space. It was filled with paint, DIY stuff, tools, glue, tape and other random stuff from when we have been doing up the flat, and now it's empty and ready for me to paint. I have been taking photos of the whole process so I'll be putting them up when it's finished, so you, my beautiful readers, can see my little workspace!
I have had a few great sales this week, and I really need to ship them but it's the bank holiday weekend, and I'm reluctant to send my items of into postal oblivion.
I have added some links to my blog. I always get these little obsessions with people I have never met online. I read their blogs daily, stalk them through flickr and livejournal, secretly wish they were my friends, and generally act a bit nutty. My obsessions don't last long before I move onto someone else, but they are always super-cool people who have no idea of my love for them. Weird right? Well, I made it sound a bit creepier than it is, actually, looking back on what I have just written, but this week I have been mostly following the craftiness of Omg! Lia? who I once convo'd on Etsy to say I loved her stuff, and she was soooooo nice, and now I have started reading her blog and she's really fun. I'm not doing well at making this seem less creepy.
Let me know if you sell cute, fun stuff and want to swap links :)
A few days in Chichicastenango, Guatemala
8 months ago
hope you got that cupboard cleaned up and had some other quality time without your little one ;-)
glad to know i'm not the only one lurking on other people's blogs out here in blog land
i'm here from a thread on etsy ;-)
lol, you're hilarious, made me laugh, and not at all creepy ;)
Oh I have a cupboard like that but it is crammed full of stuff. I would love it for my studio.
"I always get these little obsessions with people I have never met online. I read their blogs daily, stalk them through flickr and livejournal, secretly wish they were my friends, and generally act a bit nutty."
Also, I'm so flattered. I'm gonna stalk you right back. *blushes*
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