Wednesday, 14 May 2008

Bead Porn!

I'm in a great group on Flickr called Born Porn, isn't that the cutest name? Well, I guess it's not really cute, but still. I liked it! I'm trying to expand my Flickrizing to spread the twinklyspangle gospel, so if you have a cute beady or jewellery group to invite me to, I would love to hear about it, even if it only has one member! Let me know in the comments :)

My grandmother has been to stay the last few days, and I have sent her on her way with a huge package of beads and fandangles to show my Dad, who is facilitating the designing of the website and all the accounting stuff. He wants to see the items and start trying to take some professional looking photos. We are thinking of going with a lightbox but I'm not sure exactly how that would work. They need to have a pure white background. I'm excited about seeing what comes of it, m photo's are getting better but they are not spot on yet.

My boyfriend has his horrible tarantula out. I want to squash the nasty clambering thing. I want to hear her go POP under my shoe. I hate her so much.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hehe i'm in some stash porn communities myself ...

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