Tuesday 8 April 2008

Bells in the Post!

I received a cute package today that I bought from Etsy, of some super-tiny, colourful little bells! I can't wait to make the jinglest, jangliest, most rainbow-tastic bracelet ever with them!

Here they are:

I have had some promo ideas, and I would love to know what you think of them, even if you wouldn't buy my stuff if your life depended on it (which, of course, highly implausible, seeing as it rocks!)

  • Handing out business cards (yet to be printed!) in the street, to anyone, or just to pople who I think would appriciate the style I create

  • Handing out promo packs with a small promotional item (I was thinking tiny pencils printed with my web address)

  • The Great 1 Free Earring Bonanza - small ziplock bags with a business card, one of my best selling earrings (I was thinking this one), and a coupon for 50% of the other one in my shop

  • Contacting some other websites that sell similar styles and trying to work up an affiliation.

Have any of these worked for you? Let me know, I'm off to feed my little boy, who is wailing like the hungriest fellow on the planet!

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